Saturday, October 8, 2016

Beauty in the Trinity
Have you ever looked at verses like these and been confused by the copious use of the word "he"? Who is "he" and who is "me" and who is "mine"? It can be a little confusing and honestly a verse that's easily looked over. But I ask that you stop and really explore it!

When the Spirit of Truth ~ this is the Holy Spirit ~ comes, he will guide you into all the truth.  For he (the Holy Spirit) will not speak on his own authority. Because all authority comes from God! but whatever He (Holy Spirit) hears he will speak and He, (the Holy Spirit) will declare to you the things that are to come. The Holy Spirit speaks truth over us!

He (the Holy Spirit) will glorify me. Me is Jesus! for He (Holy Spirit) will take what belongs to Jesus and declare it to you and me. Not ask. Not pretend. Not offered. DECLARED!

All that the Father has is mine (Jesus); therefore I said that He (God) will take what is mine (Jesus) and declare it to you! Declared means to proclaim something with solidarity and to announce with great emotion. It is to acknowledge possession of something.

Jesus is announcing with great proclamation that we have possession of all that's His!

I often feel like I'm lacking in discernment, confidence, and assurance of who I am. I pray often for God to give me discernment, confidence, and assurance. 2 Corinthians 2:16 says, "But we have the mind of Christ" so this means that I have the same knowledge in my mind that Christ has in His! I pray for discernment, confidence, and assurance, but because I have the same mind that Christ has, then I have discernment, confidence, and assurance through Him!

 Since I pray for these things and I have received the Holy Spirit who comes from God, then I have understanding of what's been given to me by God (1 Cor. 2:12) The Holy Spirit speaks truth over me. He declares to me what He has in mind for me. He tells me who I am because of Jesus! He sets me on the path (Psalm 16:11) that God has planned for me! Because I have Jesus, then I have the Holy Spirit within me, and because I have the Holy Spirit, then all discernment, confidence, and assurance is mine. It is given by the Father, administered by the Holy Spirit, and made whole within me through Jesus!

              Psalm 119:32-35

Praise our Holy Father who has all wisdom, power, and glory forevermore! So please know that because of God's love for us, then we are given the Holy Spirit. He pours blessings on us and goes before us to prepare the way (Mark 1:2). We are forgiven and made whole by the fullness of Jesus who died for our sins!
As I learn more about the beauty in the trinity, then I must declare there isn't anything more beautiful!