Monday, July 24, 2017

Walking in Obedience

I haven't blogged in a while as other things have taken priority these past months. We have had some unexpected changes this year, but God has been so faithful... as always! The Lord has put into place every piece of the puzzle we needed to help us along the way to fight the spiritual battle we were in. Joyfully, the crazy has met a new calm and peace has fell on our home once again.

I was privileged to attend a Beth Moore conference this weekend. My first one ever and I LOVED getting to see her in person. It truly blessed me!! I have done several of her studies and am in love with her candidness and lightheartedness. I covet the way she speaks truth over women from the Bible. God revealed many things to my heart this weekend. One thing she said that I loved and resonated with is that I am capable, compassionate, and courageous. I never thought I'd say, "You know what? I totally am!!" How mighty our Jehovah is to restore me, equip me, and heal me the way He has. She said those words, and I was like... "Thank you! I *am* those things!" It blessed my soul, but rest assured... I still have much to work on. The Lord had more for me to hear this weekend... and the piercing truth He revealed to me was shocking, yet freeing!

We studied at the feet of Jesus this weekend and Isaiah 60:13 says that where He places His feet is glorious! How I long for Him to walk around me like He promised to do with the Israelites in Leviticus 26:11-12. He promised to tabernacle with them... like in John 1:14 where it tells us Jesus took on flesh and tabernacled among us. He walked among us. I pray He will walk amongst me.... with me... alongside me... dragging me... whatever He has to do! I just want Him with me, because where He walks and places His feet... is holy! I desire to be in His holiness!!

One way the Lord is speaking to me that I am in His presence and in His holiness is by being obedient. We talked of that this weekend also... being obedient. As I read over my notes from the conference, then I am find myself drawn to Abram's obedience in Genesis 13:14-17. 
14 After Lot had separated from him, the Lord said to Abram, “Look from the place where you are. Look north and south, east and west, 15 for I will give you and your offspring forever all the land that you see. 16 I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust of the earth, then your offspring could be counted. 17 Get up and walk around the land, through its length and width, for I will give it to you.”
18 So Abram moved his tent and went to live near the oaks of Mamre at Hebron, where he built an altar to the Lord.
Abram wasn't just told what he wanted to hear. He was given a vision and He was told to be part of that vision by doing something. Getting up and walking around the land. Interestingly, the word Mamre actually means "vision" and Hebron means "linked together" or could also translate to mean communion or fellowship. Isn't it cool how God sent Abram to Mamre, a place of vision? A place where Abram could look around and see all that God was offering him: land & descendants. Abram's obedience to God led him also into fellowship with Him while in Hebron. It was there he built the alter to be near the Lord. Do you see how the LORD is in all caps? That's the Hebrew word Jehovah. Jehovah means personal, unchanging God. Not just the God of the universe, creator, sustainer God. It means, God who has & wants a close, personal relationship with you!! So not only did he receive fellowship with God through obedience, he received fellowship through his action. The action of obedience and the action of building the alter. Now, he would only have to practice patience as he waited upon Jehovah to bring the descendants he was promised.

As I read this passage, researched the meanings behind it, and savored the truth of God's call to obedience then I'm reminded of one of Beth's points this weekend: What happens between God and us at His feet has everything to do with our feet.

Are you being obedient to God in your life? Are you walking where He says for you to walk? Are you finding fellowship with Jehovah God in your call to obedience and the vision He has given you?

If not, then I encourage you... Look at where God wants to take you. Get up and obey His call on your life. Then walk in the knowledge of what He has created you for. There, you will find fellowship with the unchanging, personal, loving God... our King!

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