Tuesday, October 9, 2018

He Hears Me

Yesterday was a hard day. I had a little "coming to Jesus meeting" with me, myself, and the Lord last night. How good He was to calm my spirit and speak peace over me.

Additionally, there are some things that are going on today. And I was dreading it... and having a bad attitude about it too.

The Lord spoke to a sweet new friend this morning to pray for me. Can I just telling y'all how much that means to me?

That's happened only a few times to me in my life. The most memorable time was during a heart wrenching, nearly unbearable time in my life. This time was nothing compared to that! But God... in His infinite mercy still saw my need. Still saw ME! He heard my cries out to Him last night.

Psalm 34:17 "The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, and rescues them from all their troubles."

So thankful that we can go to Jesus for all things. With raw emotion. With no filters. And He hears us and loves us enough to send His Spirit to comfort us in our times of need.

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