Sunday, June 28, 2015


I have spent a good portion of my life being busy and staying busy. We have seemingly learned as a society that we are bad if we stay still. If we allow ourselves to just sit and be still in the moment, then perhaps we are lazy. If we don't do the dishes right after dinner, then perhaps we are dirty. If we don't take our children to every event available, then perhaps we are bad parents. You get the idea!

It's been in recent years that I've been in the process of truly learning to just be in the moment. I used to "do it all" and say to myself, "It's just time. I can do this!" However, I am thankful to no longer be rushing around with an endless to do list. My children enjoy the fact that I am no longer telling them "hold on" or "in just a minute" every time they want/need my attention. We homeschool, so they want/need my attention often. 

Let me share with you some ways that I have learned over the years to stop being so busy.

1) Stop buying the lies of satan who claims you're not good enough. These are lies straight from the pit of darkness. Satan wants you to feel inadequate as a spouse, parent, worker, child, sibling, etc. Stop buying the lies, Friends! Satan cannot define you.. only God does!

2) What's for dinner? We cannot do everything. We cannot make gourmet meals and be at soccer practice by 5. It just isn't possible. Maybe you need to do sandwiches for dinner one night. Eat on paper plates. Reheat left overs. Have what my family calls an "easy" night. Which means, if you want it, then you get it! If you want left overs, then reheat. If you want a pb&j then start spreading. If you want a can of soup, then grab the can opener. This is coming from me who loves to cook. However, some nights I want/need a break and our pockets can't always handle a night out.

3) Do you have too many extras? Your kids are in sports. You're in bible study. You work. You homeschool. You volunteer. You plan family gatherings. You run a business. You clean your home. You make meals. You read. You study. You watch tv. You have long commutes. You have date nights. The list is endless. The list of to-do's can be overwhelming sometimes. 

Maybe you need to pick just a few things that have to be done for now and just do those. When I was running a successful direct sales business, homeschooling, my kids were involved in sports, and we were at church and choir on Sundays & Wednesdays then my days were jam packed. I was exhausted! However, during that season of life that required so much busy-ness from me. Then I chose no extra curriculars. I had several study groups that I turned down. I turned down MOPs. I turned down social gatherings. I did enough house work to get by and enlisted help from The Hubs & kiddos with the rest. We have to pick & choose and we have to choose wisely, because we cannot burn ourselves into the ground. Running endlesslessly isn't taing care of the temple the Lord has given us. (Psalm 127:2)

4) Schedule time for you! Seek the Lord. Pray. Read. Watch tv. Drink a cup of coffee or tea. Rejuvenate. Refresh. Recharge! You HAVE to do this for yourself. Whether you're a stay at home Mom or a working corporate person. You have to take care of yourself if you want to take care of others or do your job well. 

I have learned to slow down and take in the beauty of the Lord's creation around me. Something I am learning to do and not feel guilty about is read while my Littles play. We have a screened in porch and I like to sit and read in there while my children are outside. I can be apart of their playing experience without having to be completely present. I like to listen to the birds, watch the squirrels play, and enjoy the laughter of our beautiful children. I feel blessed there. I feel replenished and always walk away with joy renewed in my heart. 

Exodus 33:14 "The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." 

How do you find rest in the midst of all the busy?

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