Friday, January 27, 2017

Sin of Dissatisfaction

Have you ever been guilty of the sin of dissatisfaction?
credited to
Is your house not big enough or nice enough?
Is your car not the one you wish you were driving?
Do you wish your children behaved all of the time?
Do you wish your husband romanced you like the husbands of the Hallmark movies?
Do you wish your wife had it all together?
Do you wish your boss recognized your talent?
Do you wish friends recognized your work in the friendship?
Do you wish you were prettier, thinner, better, etc?
Do you wish someone would notice you for who you are and everything you do?

I am guilty! G-U-I-L-T-Y!! Not that I admit that with excitement. It's more like, I admit it shamefully.. with my head down, eyes averted, and sheepishly raising my hand explaining that yes... sometimes, I do indeed wish for more than I actually have.

How satan just loves to turn our satisfaction into dissatisfaction!! Stop looking at what seems to be  lacking and let's look at what has been given...

My house is warm on this day that feels like it's below 0 outside.

My vehicles gets us from point A to point B safely.

My children are children... and although they don't always behave how I wish they would, then I can praise God they are all healthy and strong! Those strong minds will mean they have strength to stand up for what's right!

My husband may not woo me in the ways I may selfishly desire, but he works hard to provide for us. He helps me with our children. He doesn't complain that the house is a mess and dinner isn't ready on time. He is gracious to me.

I'm the wife who doesn't have it all together and the house is rarely clean, but our kids are healthy, doing homeschool, & well-fed. Hey! That must count for something!!

The Lord has given me many blessings! It is downright sinful to be so ungrateful as to complain that what I've been given is not enough. It is only pride and idolatry that breeds that sin. Adam and Eve had everything in the Garden of Eden. They lacked nothing. Everything wrong in this world: in our marriages, in our families, in our churches, etc. was lacking. So it's safe to say... sin isn't because of what we have. Sin isn't because of what we don't have. Sin is simply an issue of our heart. Oh how desperately deceitful our hearts are!! (Jeremiah 17:9) Do not buy satan's lies that we need more stuff, bigger salaries, & better things. Less of our man, less of our children, less of our church, etc.

Sweet Friend, let's take our thoughts captive to the Lord. Remembering that above all, He is the King, and we are only on this earth to worship & honor him. We are only on this earth to tell others about Him! Who am I to say that what I don't have is good enough? Truly, how good the Lord is to me. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, "The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." Praise Him!

When I wrestle with such sinfulness in my heart, then it's my prayer that as sisters in the Lord we can lift each other up in prayer and ask the Lord to make our hearts grateful and our minds satisfied. He alone... Jesus alone... is enough!

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