Saturday, July 4, 2015

My High Tower

Do you ever have days that you feel like nothing is right? The kids are fighting, the dishes are piled high, the husband's work is stressful, and loneliness is creeping in. Maybe you're a professional and just lost your job or were late for the meeting at work after spilling coffee in your lap. You're a student who overslept and missed the big test that determined 1/3 of your grade for the semester. The list could really be endless, right? 

Courtesy of

Satan loves to come in and steal our joy! He loves nothing more than to take us to the brink of insanity. You know...when we're just short of needing a straight jacket in pink with rhinestones. I have days like that and lately I've had more than I've wanted. It's Summer and I love Summertime. However, with a 1 year old who just had surgery and an 8 & 6 year old begging for attention. All the while, my husband is dealing with some issues at work and truthfully Friends.. it can feel lonely some days.

However, this verse: Psalm 18:2 “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.”  is a great reminder of who God is! 

Our rock... a constant foundation when all else seems rocky.
Our fortress... a place to hide from the enemies of this life (especially satan).
Our deliverer... He will rescue us from this hardship.
Our God... the Creator of the Universe, the Alpha & Omega, the King of kings... He will not leave us stranded.
Our strength... when we have none, then He will go before us and provide it for us.
Our buckler... Our defender and protector - He keeps us from harm.
Our horn of salvation... He is our salvation & strength with prosperity & triumph.
Our high tower... He will lift us up and keep us safe from all corruption of this world.

So when we feel overwhelmed by this world we can remember together what the truths of Psalm 18:2 holds... our God will never fail us and He will protect us and rescue us from all calamity! So, claim that verse for yourself today! Whether it be hardship in life overall, a job, or the throes of motherhood God's grace is always sufficient!

What is your favorite verse when you're dealing with the harshness of this life?

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