Saturday, July 11, 2015

Unexpected Miracles

Today we celebrate Josiah's 2nd Birthday!! I cannot believe he's already 2!

I share with so many people about him... he is our miracle boy! I was told it would take many drugs to get my body to a place (with PCOS) to be able to conceive a 3rd child. I had no problem conceiving my first two. However, my body had decided it hated me (lol) and therefore I was dealing with some major hormone issues. Not wanting to play God (this was my decision and I am respectful of anyone who does fertility treatments in order to have children, please don't misunderstand me. It was a personal choice for my husband and me.) I was SHOCKED to find out two months later that we were, indeed, pregnant! Shocked & overjoyed!!

At 8 weeks pregnant I was told that my uterus only measured 6 weeks and there was only the gestational sac. No baby. I was heartbroken. They drew my hcg levels and they were at 60,000. A normal ultrasound shows baby around 7,000 hcg. I was put on Progesterone and told "Call us when you start bleeding. It may happen this weekend. You'll come back in 2 weeks to see if we need to do anything next." I felt numb and for 2 weeks I cried and I prayed. It was a walk that I could only take to God. Andy couldn't help me. My big kids' love couldn't help me. The hardest part was when Lydia asked me after a few days of crying, "Mommy? Is our baby okay?" and I had to tell her I didn't know, but I was able to share with her that God DID know!

Then at 24 weeks pregnant I was having major braxton-hicks just from standing up. Even swimming did it to me. I thought it was due to 3rd pregnancy symptoms and a bit older than when my other 2 were born. Doctor confirmed it was changing my cervix and at week 27 I was put on FULL bedrest.

Friends at our church gathered around us. They helped us financially and they brought us 2 meals a day and cleaned our home once a week. I even had friends who would come and take my big kids out for a little while at a time. That was such a blessing to us! During a time of my life that I felt so utterly unloved  & uncared for by my (biological) family... these people were able to pick me up and love me.  It was a beautiful picture of Jesus to me.

We were told 2 other times that we may lose our baby. He wasn't thriving. I was leaking amniotic fluid. Etc. I dealt with infections, gestational diabetes, and beginning stages of pre-eclampsia. It was a very grueling pregnancy. But he is a true testimony to God's grace and through all of the love & support of our many friends and some of our family we were able to hold him off on being born until 39.5 weeks!

So this morning, I celebrate this beautiful boy that the Lord has graciously given to us for 2 years. However, I also celebrate the faithfulness and love of a mighty God. Jehovah Rapha- God who heals! He healed our son and He also used that time to help heal my very broken heart.

My Doctor told me that this strenuous pregnancy would probably not repeat itself (Especially since my first 2 were so healthy) and so if the Lord ever decides to bless again, then I am thankful to know it will probably not be the same. I feel certain the Lord used that time to show me His love and protection for me and for my family. Sometimes, He works in mysterious ways. <3

Named: Josiah = Jesus Saves    
David = Beloved  1 Samuel 1:27 
"I prayed for the Lord to give me this boy and He has answered my request."

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